Wednesday 10 April 2013

Animation Examples

To begin with I decided to look at existing stop motion animations and decide what I liked, to help inspire me with me design. Here are some of the Animations I enjoyed:

'Western Spaghetti' by PES
(Uses a combination of different objects and a person)-Looks very Realistic and flows well.

'Magic Water'
(Uses Claymation- I like the effect of this, also because it is clay, it gives you a lot of freedom as to what you can make)

'Dead Line'
(Uses Post-it notes-I like this animation, it similarly has a lot of freedom with it [can create any object] however it does look very time consuming and challenging but over all gives a great effect)

'Sweet Dreams'
(Uses Objects-I like this piece. It is very complex and uses a lot of different shots, which is challenging also. It looks very professionally made and runs smoothly)

(Stop Motion animation made by graffiti-it is a very clever piece and I like how smoothly the objects transform. However I do think the camera moves around a bit too much)

'Animated In Bed'
(This is my favorite animation, it is a stop motion animation that uses two people and objects. I really like this animation; it is nice to watch and interesting as it uses people [Which a lot of animations do not use]. I also like the fact it is shot in one location [the girl on the bed]- she does not move, but they move objects abound her to give the impression of movement. This animation works really well, and the use of music helps it to do that).

Overall with animation, I like the way things transform and change. These are only a few of the animations I have Researched, and although there are many amazing ones, I think an animation I will create, will be with objects like the 'Western Spaghetti animation', as opposed to the hand drawn, frame by frame technique such as 'Graffiti'.

Looking at existing Animations has helped influence me, and I will know brain storm rough ideas for my animation.

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